North County Equestrian Center is well suited for the owner that is looking for unique housing for their horse. From the 24'x24' pipe corrals, all the way up to the 12'x12' box stall that opens into a 36'x48' corral - there is a large variety to choose from. At present we offer 3 large riding arenas and 2 turn out arenas. Located in the center of the City maintained trail system, even the trail rider has a place to ride. With more than a quarter century of experience as a boarding facility owner, along with an extensive history of showing horses on the National level, the owners and management of North County Equestrian Center have a lot to offer the equestrian community. We continue growing and improving , and would appreciate the opportunity to share our vision with you. Come check out the facility, meet "the family", and decide for yourself if what we offer will meet your need